copy_files ---------- The ``copy_files`` and ``copy_files#`` stanzas specify that files from another directory could be copied to the current directory, if needed. The syntax is as follows: .. code:: dune (copy_files (files )) ```` represents the set of files to copy. See the :ref:`glob ` for details. ```` are: - ``(alias )`` specifies an alias to which to attach the targets. - ``(mode )`` specifies how to handle the targets. See :ref:`modes` for details. - ``(enabled_if )`` conditionally disables this stanza. The condition is specified using the :doc:`/reference/boolean-language`. - ``(only_sources )`` specifies that the glob in ``files`` gets applied over the source tree, and not the build tree. The short form: .. code:: dune (copy_files ) is equivalent to: .. code:: dune (copy_files (files )) The difference between ``copy_files`` and ``copy_files#`` is the same as the difference between the ``copy`` and ``copy#`` actions. See :doc:`/reference/actions/index` section for more details.