A Tour of the Dune Codebase


This document is based on Dune 3.15.0, whose source can be browsed here. The links in this tour point to this version, but will not reflect how this works in other versions of Dune.

Let’s start with a very high level tour of how dune build operates.

As explained in The Dune Mental Model, dune build will interpret the targets listed on the command line, interpret the dune files in the workspace as rules, and execute the rules relevant to the requested targets.

These steps correspond to areas of the Dune codebase:

  • the command-line interface is defined in bin/;

  • the dune files are interpreted using a library defined in src/dune_rules/;

  • they are registered into an engine in src/dune_engine/.

Next, we will go deeper into these areas.