
Added in version 1.6.

The dirs stanza allows specifying the subdirectories Dune will include in a build. The syntax is based on Dune’s Predicate Language and allows the following operations:

  • The special value :standard which refers to the default set of used directories. These are the directories that don’t start with . or _.

  • Set operations. Differences are expressed with backslash: * \ bar; unions are done by listing multiple items.

  • Sets can be defined using globs.


(dirs *) ;; include all directories
(dirs :standard \ ocaml) ;; include all dirs except ocaml
(dirs :standard \ test* foo*) ;; exclude all dirs that start with test or foo

Dune will not scan a directory that isn’t included in this stanza. Any contained dune (or other special) files won’t be interpreted either and will be treated as raw data. It is however possible to depend on files inside ignored subdirectories.