
(implicit_transitive_deps ...)

Control whether transitive dependencies are made implicitly visible.

By default, Dune allows transitive dependencies of dependencies used when compiling OCaml. However, this can be disabled by specifying:

(implicit_transitive_deps false)

Then all dependencies directly used by a library or an executable must be added in the libraries field.

We recommend users experiment with this mode and report any problems.

Note that you must use threads.posix instead of threads when using this mode. This isn’t an important limitation, as threads.vm is deprecated anyway.

In some situations, it can be desirable to selectively preserve the behavior of transitive dependencies’ availability a library’s users. For example, if we define a library foo_more that extends foo, we might want foo_more users to immediately have foo available as well. To do this, we must define the dependency on foo as re-exported:

 (name foo_more)
 (libraries (re_export foo)))