Foreign Stubs

You can specify foreign sources using the foreign_stubs field of the library and executable stanzas. For example:

 (name lib)
 (foreign_stubs (language c) (names src1 src2))
 (foreign_stubs (language cxx) (names src3) (flags -O2)))

Here we declare an OCaml library lib, which contains two C sources src1 and src2, and one C++ source, src3, which need to be compiled with -O2. These source files will be compiled and packaged with the library, along with the link-time flags to be used when linking the final executables. When matching names to source files, Dune treats *.c files as C sources, and *.cpp, *.cc, and *.cxx files as C++ sources.

Here is a complete list of supported subfields:

  • language specifies the source language, where c means C and cxx means C++. In the future, more languages may be supported.

  • names specifies the names of source files. When specifying a source file, omit the extension and any relative parts of the path; Dune will scan all library directories to find all matching files and raise an error if multiple source files map to the same object name. If you need to have multiple object files with the same name, you can package them into different Foreign Archives via the foreign_archives field. This field uses the Ordered Set Language where the :standard value corresponds to the set of names of all source files whose extensions match the specified language.

  • flags are passed when compiling source files. This field is specified using the Ordered Set Language, where the :standard value comes from the environment settings c_flags and cxx_flags, respectively. Note that, for C stubs, Dune unconditionally adds the flags present in the OCaml config fields ocamlc_cflags and ocamlc_cppflags to the compiler command line. This behavior can be disabled since Dune 2.8 via the dune-project option use_standard_c_and_cxx_flags.

  • include_dirs are tracked as dependencies and passed to the compiler via the -I flag. You can use Variables in this field and refer to a library source directory using the (lib library-name) syntax. Additionally, the syntax (include filename) can be used to specify a file containing additional arguments to (include_dirs ...). The named file can either contain a single path to be added to this list of include directories, or an S-expression listing additional (include_dirs ...) arguments (the (lib ...) and (include ...) syntax is also supported in files included in this way). For example, (include_dirs dir1 (lib lib1) (lib lib2) (include inc1) dir2) specifies the directory dir1, the source directories of lib1, and lib2, the list of directories contained in the file inc1, and the directory dir2, in this order. Some examples of possible contents of the file inc1 are:

    • dir3 which would add dir3 to the list of include directories

    • ((lib lib3) dir4 (include inc2)) which would add the source directory of the library lib3, the directory dir4, and the result of recursively including the contents of the file inc2. The contents of included directories are tracked recursively, e.g., if you use (include_dir dir) and have headers dir/base.h and dir/lib/lib.h, they both will be tracked as dependencies.

  • extra_deps specifies any other dependencies that should be tracked. This

    is useful when dealing with #include statements that escape into a parent directory like #include "../a.h".

Mode-Dependent Stubs

Since Dune 3.5, it is possible to use different foreign stubs when building in native or byte mode. This feature needs to be activated by adding (using mode_specific_stubs 0.1) in the dune-project file.

Then it is allowed to use the mode field when describing foreign_stubs. If the same stub is defined twice, Dune will automatically chose the correct one. This allows the use of different sets of flags or even different source files from which the stubs are built.

 (name main)
 (modes native byte_complete)
   (language c)
   (mode byte)
   (names c_stubs))
   (language c)
   (mode native)
   (flags :standard -DNATIVE_CODE) ; A flag specific to native builds
   (names c_stubs)))  ; This could be the name of an implementation
                      ; specific to native builds

Note that, as of version 0.1 of this extension, this mechanism does not work for foreign_archives.