Unit Tests

We’re testing our calculator using cram tests, but in some cases, it can be more comfortable to use unit tests to test internal behaviors.

In this chapter, we’re going to extract the function that deals with conversion to floats and put it in a test harness.

Install Dependencies

Run opam install alcotest.1.7.0.


Let’s refactor our eval_number_op function in lib/cli.ml so that it uses the as_float function. Move as_float above it so that is can be used.

let eval_number_op f_int f_float va vb =
  match (va, vb) with
  | VInt na, VInt nb -> VInt (f_int na nb)
  | _ ->
      let fa = as_float va in
      let fb = as_float vb in
      VFloat (f_float fa fb)

Create a Test Suite

We’re first going to move our cram tests so that they can be in test/cram/, while our unit tests will be in test/unit/.

Move the contents of the folder test into a fresh folder test/cram/.

Create a folder test/unit/.

Create test/unit/dune with the following contents:

 (name test_calc)
 (libraries alcotest calc))

And test/unit/test_calc.ml:

open Calc

let test_as_float =
  let test ~name expression ~expected =
    ( Printf.sprintf "as_float(%s)" name,
      fun () ->
        let got = Cli.as_float expression in
          (Alcotest.float Stdlib.epsilon_float)
          __LOC__ expected got )
    test ~name:"int" (VInt 2) ~expected:2.;
    test ~name:"float" (VFloat 3.5) ~expected:3.5;

let suite = [ ("as_float", test_as_float) ]

let () = Alcotest.run __FILE__ suite

Now run dune runtest. In addition to the existing cram tests, this also runs unit tests.